Tuesday, 9 April 2013
I dont use this blog much any more to keep updated goto https://www.facebook.com/BlairZayeArtist or http://www.blairzaye.com
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Saatchi Gallery Online Showdown

Vote for me in the Saatchi Gallery Online Showdown and i will be eternally grateful.
goto the link and then
Click on a star to register your vote or choose another artwork
click on the last star on the right to give me 10 stars
Hope I can return the favour :)
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Artist Blair Zaye has gone Live!
I am now looking for exposure, representation, an agent, dealers, exhibitions,
residencies and to collaborate with others artists.
My website showcases (amongst others) my latest series of work
'DRIPS, SPLITS, TEARS AND RIPS' (click for a direct link)
This is the work that I feel best represents me as an artist of maturity and
professionalism and my current practice,so have a look and see if you feel the same.
I look forward to hearing from you and your opinion of my work.
Follow the link and if you like it bookmark it!
If you require anything else please do not hesitate to ask.
September 24th, 2010 by blair
This is a massive space so its a great place to showcase my new 3mx3m works !!!
3x3m (each panel 3×1.5m), Mixed Media, 2010
3x3m (each panel is 1.5x3m), Mixed Media, 2010
1st October – 12th November 2010 by appointment.
Private View Friday 8th October, 6 – 9.30pm (free taxi shuttle from Southall, turn left and wait by the sign)
Departure Gallery, 5 – 6 Boeing Way, The International Trading Estate, Brent Road, Southall, London UB2 5LF.
Rhizomatic is an experimental, decentralised curatorial system based on the concept of the Rhizome, as explored in Deleuze and Guattari’s philosophical masterpiece A Thousand Plateaus. This is Departure Gallery’s largest and most ambitious show so far and includes work by over two hundred artists exhibiting in 100,000 sq ft of warehouse space.
Selected artists associated with Departure Gallery were each invited to choose up to six artists to exhibit alongside them. In turn, this second generation were encouraged to invite a further six participants, making a third generation, who could then invite six more. This six-link structure was inspired by the idea that all humans are connected by ‘six degrees of separation’.
A rhizome is a sprawling, unhierarchical system of connections that are constantly in flux and can spring up at any moment in space and time. This exhibition does not seek to fix the rhizome by presenting it in a finished form, but, rather, it represents an attempt to freeze a moment of this rhizomatic process in the interests of examining it’s structure more closely. Furthermore, the show aims to catch a glimpse of the creative networks within which Departure Gallery’s artists operate, in order to locate ourselves within the wider art world.
“Principles of connection and heterogeneity: at any point a rhizome can be connected to anything other, and must be…A rhizome ceaselessly establishes connections between semiotic chains, organisations of power, and circumstances relevant to the arts, sciences and social struggles.” Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus.
This rhizomatic structure has particular resonance in the context of The International Trading Estate, which is a hub of haulage and distribution companies sorting and transporting goods in flux between producer and consumer.
The exhibition will not constitute the end of the rhizome, because a true rhizome has no beginning or end, but is ongoing and unlimited. Each artist involved will continue to make connections during and after the exhibition through the contacts and ideas that emerge as a result of the show. This opens up the possibility of creating a larger sequel exhibition at some point in the future. Who knows where this will go and what possibilities may result!
Louise Ashcroft, Curator.
Getting There: Take national rail from Paddington to Southall (14 minutes) then buses 105, h32, 105 or 482 to Brent Road. On the private view night there will be a free taxi shuttle from Southall Station between 6pm and 9.30pm- turn left out of the station and follow the signs to the shuttle stop.
For more information or to make an appointment please contact louiseashcroft@departuregallery.com
Private View, Thursday, 30 September
210 Pentonville Road, Kings Cross N1 9JY
6 – 9 pm
After event to be held at The Big Chill House
The exhibition will run for 2 weeks, viewings by appointment only.
Please RSVP for both events to:
Nikki Martin
07971 328 235
www.artandescape.com (please note that the website is still being re-designed)
In association with Commercial Property Ltd
Displaying my WHOLE collection of Maxims
Sunday, 1 August 2010
The Outside World Presents ... TAKE-AWAY 13-15th August

Sunday, 9 May 2010
My 'Drips, Spilts, Tears and Rips' Series at Greenwich Picture House

Portals between other worlds, planets, parallel universes and dimensions. Between the mind and the ground. Fractal doorways between the finite and infinite, whether a place to hide or a place to find, a dark crawl space in reality full of crevasses and pit falls in reality. Windows into the next, a scratch on the surface of the here and now into a place of the absolute, a glimpse of something indescribable, seen, yet unnoticed, for(n)everywhere.
Drips, Spilts, Tears and Rips represented in these 4 paintings using a mix of medias and finished off and over with drips to give a look of a world shutting off to and from itself.
For more info contact the artist